Shasta Wildlife Rescue – Run for the Wild

Every year in April, our local wildlife rescue, Shasta Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation, holds their Run for the Wild fund-raiser. I was happy to attend with fellow authors/illustrators, Tim Livingston and Ivy Smith.

The kids and families were wonderful as always. Several rescued animals were on hand as ambassadors for work done by SWRR. Most wildlife rescued is rehabilitated and returned to the wild. Some, however, are not able to be returned either due to injury or imprinting on humans. These animals are cared for by trained caretakers for the rest of their natural lives.

Fund-raising volunteers for Shasta Wildlife Rescue. Mary A Livingston, Tim Livingston, and ivy Smith.

Fund-raising volunteers for Shasta Wildlife Rescue. Mary A Livingston, Tim Livingston, and ivy Smith.

Gray Fox - 11 years old.

Gray Fox – 11 years old.

Great Horned Owl.

Great Horned Owl.

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